Drink water before eating food
After conducting several researches, researchers have found that drinking fluids before the meal helps in food digestion. Including this, if you consume water two hours after meal then it helps in absorbing all the essential nutrients from food. Also it is important to maintain a healthy level of insulin in blood as its high level may causes fat’s storage in the body, which eventually results into weight gain.
Pick smaller plates
Prefer picking up plate that is smaller in size as it will enable you to consume smaller portion of your meal. Many people suggest that an ideal size of plates should be of 9 inches in diameter as this is the sufficient size that fills our stomach.
Give enough time to chew your food
While eating food, always chew properly as doing so takes time, which cheats your brain to think that your stomach is full. Consider eating whole meal in 15 minutes that is an average time to finish food.
Do not respond immediately to food cravings
Whenever you feel like eating something, try to give that feeling enough time as there are chances that the same will be vanished after some time. At least wait for 20 minutes to respond for food cravings because not responding immediately to it will enable to avoid unwanted food.
Get enough sleep
It is better to take enough hours of sleep because when a person is tired it increases the likelihood for extra snacking and missed workouts. Proper 8 hours of sleep has the ability to bring great change in your life and also improves your overall health.
Have healthy breakfast
Consuming a healthy breakfast as this is the most important meal of the day which helps you in moving all day long. Always try to have your breakfast within one hour of waking up because doing so aids in boosting metabolism by activating your digestive juices present in your stomach.
Drink plenty of water
onsume plenty of water daily and consider carrying a water bottle along with you whether you are at home or office. By drinking water you can satiate your cravings and hunger pangs and help yourself to lose weight.