Monday, 25 July 2022 13:47

Using HTTP Interceptor Service In Angular App

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An interceptor is a special kind of service that you can use for authentication, global error handling, and asynchronous or synchronous preprocessing.

An interceptor is a service factory registered with $httpProvider and injected with dependencies. Once a request is received, the service factory will return the interceptor it needs to handle the request. Then, you can use the interceptor for any Angular application that needs to handle a request.


HTTP Interceptor

Using an HTTP Interceptor service is an extremely useful way to filter incoming and outgoing requests in an Angular application. In a nutshell, interceptors allow you to process requests and re-direct them. They also organize route guard logic and allow you to decide whether to allow or deny a particular request. To start using interceptors, read on for some examples.

The simplest way to use an interceptor is to include it at the end of a request. An interceptor can handle a variety of problems, including handling error handling and authentification. It can also log incoming responses and add custom headers to outgoing requests. These benefits make it an excellent choice for any Angular app. But there are a few things to be aware of when using an interceptor.

Interceptor registration

Using HTTP Interceptor service is a great feature that is available in Angular 2. It allows you to handle incoming requests and responses in the same manner. When a client makes a request, the interceptor will print out the response or success or failure messages. The finalize method always executes, calculating the total amount of time spent on each request. The response status will also be displayed in the finalize message. You can check out an example of a working HTTP Interceptor Service in this article.

You can also implement custom angular http interceptor to handle network requests. The interceptors are called in the order provided by the developer. If you want to use more than one interceptor, you can also specify multiple interceptors with the optional multi-provider attribute. The interceptor service implements immutable principles and can be used to implement custom middleware chains. Here are some common scenarios for using HTTP Interceptor service in Angular.

Multiple interceptors

Using HTTP interceptor services is a great way to gain valuable functionality from your Angular applications. Unlike the DI approach, which involves calling a single interceptor at each request, an HTTP interceptor always sits in the middle of a single HTTP request. You can use this service to perform a variety of operations on requests, such as adding custom HTTP headers to the final outgoing request, caching, logging metrics, and error handling.

An interceptor service can handle both outgoing and incoming requests. This service can also transform the requests and return them without passing them on to the next interceptor. A cached response is a great way to save time, so make sure to use it sparingly. A fully working example of an interceptor service can be found here. To learn more, check out the examples below. Once you've gotten the hang of using interceptor services, you'll soon be ready to use them.

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