Much has changed in recent years in mechanical workshops, especially in those where large vehicles are repaired. Just a few years ago, no respected car repair shop could function without a proper inspection pit for checking the condition of cars. However, such a solution also had many disadvantages, e.g. no possibility to make adjustments according to the height of the mechanics and the lack of lighting. An interesting solution to these problems are column lifts, which often include high-quality hydraulic mechanisms. This solution is especially useful in small car repair shops where every inch of free space is valuable, and there is not enough room to build a traditional inspection pit for getting under the chassis of the car to check its condition.
Column lifts can be permanently installed either on the workshop premises or outside. You can also use mobile column lifts, which can be easily moved according to your needs. Mobile column lifts are often used to lift large vehicles such as vans or even buses, where more than one lift is required. Generally, lifting a passenger car with standard parameters requires only one lift, as its lifting capacity can be up to 4-5 tons. In the case of larger cars, usually four or more lifts are used.
Column lifts are usually used for chassis repair as they enable easy and convenient access. They are also often used for a variety of car body repairs.