June 20-22: Fiddles on the Tobique in Nictau, www.tourismnewbrunswick.ca/Products/F/FiddlesontheTobique.aspx
July 8-13: Festival Western de Saint-Quentin, festivalwesternnb.com
July 9-13: Shediac Lobster Festival, www.shediaclobsterfestival.ca
July 17-20: Canada’s Irish Festival on the Miramichi, www.canadasirishfest.com
July 18-20: Adrenaline Bike Festival at Sugarloaf Provincial Park, www.parcsugarloafpark.ca/bikepark/node/129
July 24-26 : Lamèque International Baroque Music Festival , www.festivalbaroque.com
July 30-August 3: Foire Brayonne in Edmundston, foirebrayonne.com
August 1-15: Acadian Festival and Tintamarre in Caraquet, festivalacadien.ca
August 2-9: Chocolate Fest in St. Stephen, chocolate-fest.ca
August 13-17: Dieppe International Kite Festival, www.cerfvolantdieppe.ca
September 5-7: Atlantic Balloon Fiesta in Sussex, www.atlanticballoonfiesta.ca
September 9-14: Harvest Jazz and Blues Festival in Fredericton, www.harvestjazzandblues.com
October 2014: Poutine Festival in Fredericton, frederictonpoutinefestival.weebly.com
November 13-21: Festival international du cinéma francophone en Acadie, www.ficfa.com
November 19-21: 20th anniversary of the NB Spirits Fest in Fredericton, www.whiskynb.ca
February 2015: World Pond Hockey Championships in Plaster Rock, www.worldpondhockey.com